Oddly, it seems to crash faster if I plug in my HDD, or use certain applications (but not others, weirdly enough). I've since reinstalled the latest drivers, rolled back to other versions, hell I even tracked down the very original drivers I had on my Surface (not the original, original per se, but I downloaded the same version number) and installed those, knowing that I'd have stuttering mouse tracking again: doesn't matter. I restart my Surface and.yay, Bluetooth works again.until it doesn't. I drill down into Properties and boom: Code 43 error on the Bluetooth driver. Bluetooth ON/OFF toggle in Settings: what ON/OFF toggle? So I use my Surface typecover to navigate to Device Manager and there I see a yellow "/!\" next to my Bluetooth adapter, and all other devices missing from the list. Mouse and keyboard: lifeless and blinking for help. NEW problem now: my Marvell Avastar Bluetooth Radio Adapter driver works for about 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes longer, and then suddenly my Bluetooth adapter and everything connected to it Thanos snaps out of existence. 47 (year 2017) and FINALLY I get some smooth cursor action with my mouse. I downloaded the latest drivers (year 2020).

I rolled them back to an earlier version (also year 2016). Shite drivers reinstalled themselves to assert dominance. I uninstalled mine (year 2016) and restarted. Problem with that is the well documented low-polling issue with Bluetooth mice on Microsoft Surface products, courtesy of the shite-tier Marvell Avastar drivers. So I switched back to using Bluetooth with my mouse and plugging my HDD directly into the USB port. Problem: I cannot use a USB receiver and HDD at the same time, so I bought a powered hub, but learned it causes too much connection lag to the receiver if I happen to be transferring large files through the hub into the HDD. In the meantime, I've been backing up a lot of content to my external HDD, but I cannot stand using the trackpad for any length of time, so I use a MX Vertical via Logi Unifying Receiver. Despite all that I keep digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole. Over the past 2.5 weeks I've gone through perhaps every single Marvell Avastar thread posted to this subreddit, and I tried literally everything recommended.